
What I Believe

What I Believe

By Eric Lentz, Founder and Executive Producer, Key2Change

I believe in hope. I believe in people. I believe in the power of the arts.

I believe that music can incite movement and breathe life into causes.

I believe in the magic of a darkened theatre, the anticipation of a closed curtain opening, and the power of a raised conductor’s wand.

I believe that, given the opportunity, people will choose right over wrong, hope over fear, and truth over lies.

I believe that, ultimately, good will defeat evil, and the struggle for change is worth the fight.

Key2Change was founded based on these beliefs, and on the understanding that the arts are key to inspiring and initiating positive change. I have witnessed young children come together from diverse backgrounds to create beautiful harmonies while their parents forged friendships that crossed boundaries. I have hugged friends while they let out their emotions after hearing a song that touched the core of their being. I have read a message from a father who held his sobbing son after hearing a song about depression that reached their souls. I have watched young people from warring nations stand together on stage, hold hands, and share a message of global unity.

I believe these moments and memories must continue to be made. I believe that, once this pandemic has passed, people will be starved for the magic of live music and theatre. I believe that the youth will demand outlets for creative expression beyond their screens, and I believe that the wisdom of the older generations will mesh beautifully with the energy of today.

This is not an ‘us’ and ‘them’ thing. It’s a ‘we’ thing.

I believe that, together, we are the Key2Change.

Let’s embrace today and build tomorrow. Let’s actualize our dreams.

We got this.

That’s what I believe.